
3 Must-Know Tips for Shopping Online at Forever 21

Forever 21 is the answer to so many of our fashion prayers: it’s cheap, has a great mix of basic and trendy clothes, and you’re bound to find at least one cute item every time you shop there. However, sometimes going into the store can be mayhem- clothes strewn everywhere and long lines at every counter.

Thankfully, their online store has hundreds of items available at the click of a mouse. It’s a treasure trove of awesome- if you know the tricks to shopping there. Here are some essential tips on how to score at Forever 21’s online shop.


Related Reading: Best Forever 21 Finds: The Cutest Items to Scoop Up ASAP

Table of Contents


456 Main Street

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

(Where #123 is my room number and 456 Main Street is the street my dorm building is on – not my real address for obvious reasons!) If that doesn’t work, try shipping it home or to a relative close by so you can get your new purchase ASAP!

Your thoughts?

What other tips do you have for shopping online at Forever 21? What have your experiences been with the store? Tell me in the comments!


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