College life

Thanksgiving Break Survival Tips

As we all start heading closer into finals season, there’s actually a much scarier scenario that we’re about to encounter first: being home for the holidays. The anticipation of seeing our loved ones can be both exciting and daunting, especially when it comes to interacting with the entire family.

I actually ask my parents every year which extended family members will attend our holiday gatherings. Wouldn’t want to name drop for the second year in a row.


Whether you’re studying at a college in a different city, state, or even country from your hometown, one thing remains the same: reintegrating with family under one roof is not the easiest task. From essentially living on your own to living under your parents’ rules again, the adjustment is definitely a tricky one. We’re all back in an environment where eating pizza for breakfast or cereal for dinner may unfortunately be frowned upon.

Curfews, household chores, and overall structure almost ceased to exist when we entered college; however, it ends up becoming an unexpected challenge when we go back home. In addition, the plethora of questions from extended family members may have us wishing we never left campus.

Nervous? So am I. 

But don’t fret – the Tuohy Family from The Blind Side can teach us a thing or two about surviving the holiday season back home. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of family time.

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About the Movie 

Disclaimer: While this film is based on the true story behind Michael Oher’s upbringing and his relationship with the Tuohys, events in the film have been dramatized for entertainment purposes. If you’re interested in learning about the real story, you can find it here.

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