Health & wellness

15 Yoga Poses For Children – Steps & Benefits

Yoga can be performed by person of any age. Hence yoga for children is beneficial as well. The various benefits of yoga for children includes developing body awareness, battle emotional and physical challenges, build concentration and confidence and positive self-image. A well-defined yoga practice helps you to manage stress through breathing techniques, postures, meditation and they are highly valuable as they grow up.


Yoga, meaning union, focuses on connecting the body, mind and soul. Consistent practicing of yoga accesses and integrates the fore mentioned aspects, so that one may attain emotional stability, inner peace and harmony. Yoga is one of the most versatile fitness forms. Today, yoga is becoming popular for it increases the flexibility of the body, makes a person aware of his body and also majorly since it connects body, mind and the soul.

Beginners Tips of Yoga for Children:

Practicing yoga daily helps you to stay healthy, be more productive and calm. So here are few yoga poses for beginners you need to keep in mind.

  1. The best time to practice yoga is in the early hours of the day when the environment is still fresh and peaceful.
  2. It is best to practice yoga on an empty stomach. Else you could maintain a gap of 2-3 hours after your meal before you start practicing yoga.
  3. Make sure to wear comfortable clothes that help you to try different asanas and to stretch.
  4. Also warm up before you start doing your asanas so that it doesn’t strain your muscles.
  5. Last but not least it is important that you maintain consistency.

Benefits of Yoga for Kids:

1. Improving Balance and Co-ordination:

Yoga poses for children helps them to gain physical and mental poise. The asanas help kids to gain mental clarity, stability and to increase their focus and attention naturally by merely trying this poses.Yoga position for children are basically focused on developing balancing skills and to create a peaceful environment through meditation. By learning these asanas, kids learn to improve their physical balance, which would give them the sense of accomplishment. Learning to balance is the key element of yoga. Co-ordination is tied to balance, and if children learn to balance, then they can also improve on co-ordination.

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