
How To Remove Black Spots On Skin?

Do you suffer from dark spots? We all hate dark spots on our faces and want to get rid of them. What causes black spots on the skin? Prolonged exposure to sun, acne and melasma are common causes for dark spots on the face. The production of melanin in excess causes age spots and dark black/brown spots on the face. Dark spots, also known as pigmentation, mostly appear on the forehead, face and cheekbones. Thus, this article has a few straightforward and practical tips to help you get rid of them. You can easily do them at home to remove the dark spots.


Dark Spots On Skin:

The dark spot is a skin problem that is observed in young adults. This is also called “hyperpigmentation, ” when the skin is exposed to the sun. They can also be in colour like light brown, red or black. They tend to appear on any exposed body parts like the face, neck, back, legs, hands, shoulders, and scalp. Also called brown spots, age spots, sun spots, and liver spots make the skin look dull and unattractive.

Causes Of Dark Spots On Face:

Causes Of Dark Spots On Face:

  • Sun Exposure.
  • Ageing.
  • Genetic disorders.
  • Hormonal shifts.
  • Menopause.
  • Pregnancy.
  • More Stress.
  • Not proper skincare.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Liver problems.
  • Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Cancer.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Smoking.
  • Thyroid.
  • Diabetes.

How To Remove Black Spots On Skin:

Below we have given some of the best home remedies for black spots on the skin.

1. Lemon Juice:

Lemon, the sour-tasting fruit that enhances food and is also consumed as a summer drink, has other external benefits. Yes! Lemon juice is what we have been drinking for ages, right. This juice can be used to treat dark spots on the skin. The lemons have a natural bleaching property as they are acidic. This can lighten the dark spots on the skin. Now that you found out that you can get away with your dark spots with lemon, you must scroll down to know-how!

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