Tattoos with meaning

What Does Unalome Tattoo Mean?

As time passes, we begin to think we have it all figured out. We become older, people will say we grow wiser and we believe that at this point in our lives, we should be a lot more comfortable with the way things are going. This isn’t always the cases though and we tend to see other people who we think have it all figured out. By appearances, they seem to have a great job, great family, they have achieved all the goals they have set up to accomplish and they seem generally happy. At the same time, we still with the same insecurities and fears that we always have. The thing to remember about these thoughts is that nobody has it all figured out and we are all striving to find some kind of happiness in life. We all deal with the same fears keeping us from accomplishing the goals we want.

In a world with so many people, it’s tough to stand out from the rest but we need to try. Each wrinkle on our body or scar we’ve earned tells a story about where we have been. By the same token, a tattoo can tell a story about the moments that define us and our deepest emotions. You might be a person who defines themselves by denominational religions. However, you might have a deeper connection with spirituality. In order to find a spiritual symbol that means something to you, one doesn’t have to follow one particular sect of religion.


A great example of this is the Unalome tattoo. The Unalome is a mysterious symbol and has been for many years. As a rule, the Unalome is a spiritual symbol related to Theravada Buddhism and is similar to other spiritual symbols like the Bindu in Sanskrit and Tigli in Tibetan.

In this post we will talk about the history of the Unalome and the meaning of the Unalome tattoo. With a symbol that is so small but such a powerful meaning, it deserves an explanation. We hope that by the end of this post you have a greater understanding of the Unalome tattoo and what it means for the person with this tattoo.

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