
My 2018 Christmas Wishlist

I love giving gifts, I love the Christmas season, and I love making lists. So December is here and I’ve already made my list of things I want to give all my friends and family. It’s my favorite thing to brainstorm ideas and then gradually check off names one by one as I’ve found the perfect gift, complete with wrapping paper and a bow. 

I always want to know what other people have needed or wanted this year, but it’s helpful for my friends and family as the holiday grows close to know what I want. Here are a few things that I’m hoping to see under the Christmas tree, or that I might just treat myself to!


Table of Contents

1. Em Cosmetics Lip Gloss Kit

This color range is gorgeous! 

Em cosmetics is owned and run by Michelle Phan the former YouTuber. Em cosmetics was previously owned by L’Oreal and used to have very large ‘Life” palettes, which contained blushes/bronzers, eye, and lip shades. Since withdrawing from Youtube, Michelle purchased her company back, and now they only have eyeliners and lip products so far. She really takes the time to think about each and every product, the packaging, and its formula. 

Last year I bought the holiday set with her eyeliners and liquid lipsticks, and her lipsticks are my favorite formula hands down. I’m really exited to try her glosses, which I know will be as amazing as her other products. You can buy them here, on her brand website. 

2. Jade Face Roller

I’m so curious how these are. 

The beauty and skincare world has exploded with rollers and people everywhere are raving about them. While I don’t know of any scientific studies about the benefits of jade, or face rolling, many people have sworn that these rollers help with lymphoid draining and helping to push skincare benefits deeper into the skin. They seem so exciting to me, and I’d love to try one out. This one can be found at Sephora, but they also sell other versions on Amazon. 

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