College life

17 Things to Keep in Your Desk at Work

Adulting in the workplace is hard enough without having to field the little catastrophes that can befall us on an everyday basis, like boo-boos, broken heels, and bad hair days. 

Enter the ‘mom drawer;’ your workplace toolkit of the bits and bobs that will help you tackle those everyday annoyances. Not only will you have the tools to face your own minor emergencies, but you’ll have the resources to help your coworkers as well. 


Here are 17 things to stash in your drawer at work. Enjoy your newfound reputation as a responsible and reliable baby-adult! 

1. Band Aids

Between new-heel blisters, papercuts, and coffee spills, office boo-boos are more common than you think. Keep a couple of sizes stocked up so you’re ready for anything. A teeny tube of triple antibiotic ointment won’t hurt either. 

2. Painkillers

Headaches, cramps, you name it….nothing sucks away your productivity like throbbing pain. Ibuprofen is a solid, versatile choice that can be used for just about anything, but if you have a preference for something else, do you bb. 

3. A Lint Roller

You need one of these. ESPECIALLY if you have a cat. 

4. Deodorant

Trust me on this…sometimes you work on the twentieth floor and there’s a fire drill, or the AC is down at the peak of summer, or you just get anxious and sweat a little. Having a back-up deodorant at work has saved my sweaty butt so. many. times. 

5. Non-perishable snacks

Hanger is a thing! Once 3 pm rolls around, if I haven’t had my afternoon snack, I am a cranky, sassy, unproductive mess. Try to pick healthy choices that aren’t loaded with sugar so you won’t crash later in the day. My faves are packets of instant miso soup, single-serve hummus packs, and just a little bit of dark chocolate. 

Products: Almond butter, granola bars, hummus, miso soup, popcorn, almonds, chocolate, seaweed

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