Men's lifestyle

13 Things You’re Doing To Make Your Cat Hate You


Sure, cats have always gotten a tougher rep than dogs – cats are snooty, unimpressed by humans, and would sooner scratch your eyes out than snuggle up on the sofa – but the popularity of cat memes have safely cemented their ascent into pop culture. Not to mention our hearts.


But, despite the fact that cats have been cohabiting with us for 9,000 years, man’s second best friend still remains a meowing mystery.

We really know nothing about our cats

For instance, you know how your cat rubs itself against your legs and it seems really cute? Like they really like you and want to show some affection?

It’s actually a sign of ownership, as all they’re doing is releasing pheromone secretions on your legs. Yup, we really know nothing. And…ew?

iStock / Chalabala

So, we took to animal behavior experts to find out how we can be the best cat owners out there by stopping any accidental annoying behavior. Sorry felines, we’re trying our best to be good owners.

Giving your cat a hug

According to animal behaviorist Janetta Smith, many cats just won’t tolerate being picked up and cuddled for any length of time. If they want to cozy up with us, it has to be on the cat’s terms.

iStock / knape

“Of course, this depends upon how affectionate and socialized your cat is,” she says, “but if their ears are slightly back or fully back, then avoid too much handling as they are not content or happy with the situation.

“The same applies to their eyes being dilated and/or tip of the tail thrashing frantically.”

Tickling your cat’s tummy

Yes, this is going to be a difficult feat because we accept your cat’s belly is really cute and fluffy and just asking for a good old-fashioned tickling. But trust us here, that’s one body part your cat really doesn’t want you messing with.

Rubbing a cat’s belly will typically get you scratched or bitten

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