How Different Types Of Stress Can Affect You?
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Types of Stress in Physics
There are basically three types of stress on timeline,
(i). Acute Stress:
This stress is usually short lived and the most common types of stress. The excess of this short term stress can lead to headache, worry, tension, psychological distress and etc. This is one of the thrilling and gives excitement in small doses. Acute stress comes from the challenges and pressures in the present, the recent past or the near future in work place or surrounding. But too much acute stress may be exhausting or have health issues. Any deadline or target in work sphere, an accident, and last minute exam tension, loss of a contract or job is the most common issues that are faced by most of the people. This stress type is absolutely manageable and treatable.
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(ii). Episodic Acute Stress:
This type of stress is common among people those who suffer from the acute stress very frequently. People with this type of stress are short tempered, insensible, tensed irritable, anxious and over aroused. They seem to have stressful events one after the other and the series continues for them. Episodic distress has never ending list of things to be done and always engage in blaming. People with this stress are always late on time even though they are in a hurry. Symptoms are migraines, hypertension, persistent headache, etc. Proper treatment by therapist helps to get recover.
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(iii). Chronic Stress:
This type of stress is the most dangerous form and has a long term effect. This effects and destroys the body and mind of people. It is beyond your control and suffering from the chronic stress has negative effects on them. The hardest thing which needs to accept is that people suffering from this have to get used to with this type of chronic stress and its effects. This type of stress kills through stroke, suicidal attempt, heart attack, high B.P. , ulcer and even cancer also. This stress results in misery and helplessness. Most of these are fatal for us. It requires medical treatment as it’s difficult to treat and proper stress, management by life coach.