25 Different Types Of Animals In The World With Images
Scientific name: Scientific name of the butterfly is Rhopalocera
Breed: Insects
Height: Wingspan of the butterfly is 6.5-8.6 cm and varies according to the species.
Weight: 0.3 gm
Lifespan: Life span of a butterfly is about 12 months.
Feeding: Nectar
Country Of Origin: All Over the World (different species originated in different countries)
11. Bee:
Family and History: It comes under the classification of Apoidea. Bees are flying insects which are closely related to ants and wasps. There are lots of species of bees worldwide. These are the best carriers for pollination. Honey which is secreted by a bee is used for medicinal purpose and many others.
Scientific name: Scientific name of bees are Ainthophila.
Breed: Insects
Height: Length of the bee is 1.1-1.3cm.
Weight: 0.25 gm
Lifespan: Life span is about 12 months for early bumblebee which is queen and 3 years for Western honey bee queen.
Feeding: Nectar, Pollen
Country Of Origin: East Africa
12. Octopus:
Family and History: Octopus comes under the phyla Mollusca. These are highly intelligent. These mainly eat crabs. Octopus is eaten in many cultures. They also grown as pets
Scientific name: Scientific name is Octopoda comes under the classification of Octopodiformes.
Breed: Molluscs
Height: Length will be of 4.3m.
Weight: This animal mass is about 15 kg.
Lifespan: Life span is about 3-5 years.
Feeding: Worms, Prawns, Fish
Country Of Origin: East Asia
13. Gastropoda:
Family and History: Gastropoda comes under the phylum Molluscs. It is classified under the classification of Molluscs. These are commonly called as slugs and snails. There are thousands of species of sea snails, sea slugs, freshwater snails, land slug and land snails are seen. There 611 families. This type of animals has univalve. These are herbivores. These have shells which act as a protective cover for the body.