Health & wellness

Different Sleeping Positions to Get a Peaceful Sleep

Sleep is one thing that decides how our day would be! Surprised? Well, I mean to say that a good sleep can make our day pleasant and a bad sleep can totally ruin our day. Therefore it is very important to get a good night sleep for our overall benefit. For many of them sleep is an issue.


There are people who suffer from constant sleep disorder. The either do not get good sleep or the sleep is very disturbing. So how do you tackle the issue? A healthy lifestyle is definitely a good way to promote good sleep, but there are different types of sleep patterns which can help you get a good night sleep too.

Sleep Pattern and its Effects:

Does sleep pattern affect the quality of sleep? Well, the answer is yes! Sleep pattern has a lot to do with inducing good sleep in a person. There are many sleeping positions that you got to know before coming to a conclusion of which is the best position for you.

The Basic Sleep Postures are as Follows:

  1. Sleeping on your back with arms placed on the sides.
  2. Sleeping on your back with arms up
  3. Sleeping on your stomach with face down
  4. Sleeping in Fetal position
  5. Sleeping on side with arms at sides
  6. Sleeping on sides with arms out

Following are the Best Sleeping Positions:

1. Back Position:

Sleeping on your back helps to rest your head, neck and your back as it is in the best possible position with a complete support. The body is resting in a neutral position without causing any kind of discomfort to any other parts of the body. In this position the head is in the elevated position, above the esophagus and stomach lies below which aids in the right movement of food. Sleeping on your back also helps in preventing wrinkles as the body in such position prevents anything pushing against the face.

2. Side Position:

Side position is the next best position to be sleeping in. This position benefits overall health in general. It decreases snoring and also helps to maintain the elongated position of your spine. This position is best to avoid an acid reflux too. This position is the best recommended position for pregnant women. Sleeping on your right side is considered better as it will benefit the spinal cord as it helps in relaxing in its natural position. Sleeping on the left side however is not as good as it constricts the internal organs especially the lungs and the liver.

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