InspirationMen of modest height

9 Short YouTubers Everyone Can Look Up To

Here are some of my favorite men’s YouTube channels that are run by shorter guys.


You’ve heard it before: tall men make more money. Tall men get all the ladies. Tall men are more attractive and always get the promotion.

Sure, there’s some truth to this stuff, and height bias is a real thing in our society. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a ton of shorter men out there crushing it in business and in life.

Today, I want to shine the spotlight on some of my favorite shorter YouTubers. These are all people who are doing amazing things with their lives, regardless of whatever genetic hand they were dealt.

These are guys everyone can look up to, regardless of height.

Now, I’m 5’6” in shoes, and I’d follow all these guys even they were seven feet tall. But it’s nice to be able to get high quality info about style, fitness, grooming, dating and confidence from guys who know what it’s like to navigate life as a shorter man.

So, whether you’re a man of modest height or not, I highly recommend subscribing to these channels. Let’s get into it!

#1: Jeff Nippard

Jeff’s channel is one of the most popular and universally respected fitness channels out there.

Not only is an award-winning competitive body builder and powerlifter, but he has the ability to break down complex subjects (like how to deadlift properly) in simple, easy-to-understand ways.

I love his demeanor and his approach to content creation. He always backs up what he’s saying with the latest science, and he never overhypes anything. He’s just a laid back dude that walks the talk and practices what he preaches.

I especially like Jeff’s “Myth Bust Mondays” series, where he tackles some of the most controversial and persistent claims in the fitness world, such as the role of dairy in your diet.

Plus, at about 5’6” Jeff is no slouch on the basketball court. Just check out his jump shot!

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