30+ Amazing Puma Tattoos with Meaning
‘Puma holding a Crescent Moon’ Tattoo
Meaning: Crescent moon represents empowerment, inspiration, motherhood, growth, fertility, manifestation, and intuitiveness. In Hinduism, Lord Shiva wears a crescent moon on his head that represents that the lord is the controller of time, and is himself indestructible, and immortal. In the above tattoo, the puma is holding a crescent moon through its mouth. This tattoo signifies artistry, power, strength, opportunity, spiritual awakening, grace, liveliness, patience, adaptability, and protection. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, powerful, spiritual, strong, graceful, lively, patient, and adaptative.
Brown Puma Tattoo
Meaning: Nowadays, people are so accustomed to black, colourful, and vivid coloured tattoos that they disregard brown ink tattooing, though when it comes to the longevity of tattoos, after black, grey, blue, and red, brown ink tattoos also tend to last longer, rather than tattoos made in light and pale colours, that dim quickly. In the above tattoo, the puma is done in brown ink. This tattoo signifies strength, tenacity, observation, adaptability, solitariness, and force. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, courageous, adaptative, solitary, and forceful.
Pictorial Black Puma Tattoo
Meaning: Pictorial tattoo design is an illustration of a person, animal, or any item. In the above tattoo, the puma is done with a technique that gives it a photorealistic look. This tattoo signifies artistry, strength, observation, passion, grace, and stealth. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, strong, passionate, graceful, and stealthy.
Angry Black Puma Tattoo
Meaning: This tattoo signifies aggression, power, strength, passion, solitariness, and vehemence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be aggressive, powerful, strong, passionate, solitary, and forceful.