30+ Amazing Puma Tattoos with Meaning
Designer Puma Tattoo
Meaning: This tattoo signifies artistry, strength, grace, liveliness, passion, and patience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, strong, graceful, lively, passionate, and patient.
Outlined Puma Tattoo
Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, power, strength, patience, adaptability, and solitariness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, powerful, strong, patient, and solitary.
‘Mum with Baby Puma’ Tattoo
Meaning: Inking mum and baby tattoos are the best way to honour the mother-child relation, and to represent the love you have for your family. In the above tattoo, the mother puma is holding a baby puma. This tattoo signifies love, care, protection, strength, guidance, and courage. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be loving, caring, and courageous. It also depicts that the wearer might be emotionally attached to his/her mother.
Puma Mandala Tattoo
Meaning: Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means circle. It has many religious beliefs, which have an existence quite a bit of time earlier than tattoos. The mandala symbolizes balance in body and mind, eternal life, perfection, focus, growth, rebirth, and harmony. In the above tattoo, the puma is done with a mandala design that emulates a sense of harmony. This tattoo signifies artistry, strength, spiritual awakening, grace, patience, compassion, protection, and guidance. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, strong, spiritual, graceful, patient, and compassionate.
‘Father with Baby Puma’ Tattoo
Meaning: Inking father and baby tattoos are the best way to honour the father-child relation, and to represent the love you have for your family. In the above tattoo, the dad puma is holding a baby puma. This tattoo signifies love, care. protection, strength, guidance, strong family bonds, and courage. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be loving, caring, strong, and courageous. It also depicts that the wearer might be emotionally attached to his/her father.