One of the most popular and influential anime films, Spirited Away is full of jaw-dropping imagery that tells the story of a young girl’s adventure in a resort for vacationing spirit beings. The main character meets a mysterious dragon that plays an important role in her quest, making Haku dragon anime tattoos paragon for any fans of this groundbreaking film.
17. Dragon and Rose Tattoo
Dragons are powerful symbols of mystery and strength, while flowers represent beauty, life, and growth. By combining these seemingly disparate elements into a dragon and rose tattoo, varied and complex meanings can be applied to unique and eye-catching designs.
18. Yin and Yang Dragon Tattoo
A symbol that represents the complex nature of life — within all good there is some bad, and vice versa — yin and yang dragon tattoos complimentary, both thanks to their origins in Asian culture as well as the opportunity they provide creative and unique compositions.
19. Jade Dragon Tattoo
Jade represents benevolence in Confucious thought, while the dragon represents fire, strength, and activity. When incorporated into a single design, these divergent meanings allow jade dragon tattoos to represent the endless quest for balance and well-being.
20. Aztec Dragon Tattoo
Known as Quetzalcoatl, this feathered serpent was a primary deity in the Mesoamerican cultures that were exemplified by the Aztec civilization. For anyone proud of their heritage in this ancient culture, dragon Aztec tattoos are a meaningful option that provides endless possibilities for exciting designs.
21. Dragon Sleeve Tattoo
The best designs use the natural lines of the body to accentuate certain elements of the piece and help create more dynamic and exciting work. Dragon sleeve tattoos provide some of the best examples of this approach, thanks to the mythic animal’s long body, complex scales, and the arm’s anatomy.
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