Bobby Pin Tattoo Meaning, Designs & Ideas
Bobby pins have many uses, anywhere from clipping your hair back so it does not get in your eyes and face, to lock picking a locking mechanism on a door. This can be said about the tattoo as well. Whatever the bobby pin means to you, is all that matters. If you are looking for a certain example or reason to get a bobby pin tattoo, the symbolism and meaning are all within yourself. Down below are examples of other peoples bobby pin tattoos, the reasoning for getting a bobby pin tattoo, placement, and different designs.
Marking Your Territory
Marking your territory with bobby pins is something that some girls have been doing for quite some time. You may ask yourself how a bobby pin could possibly do such a thing. The answer is simple. Say you have a date with someone, in this instance a girl is on a date with a guy. The girl is a brunette and carries brown bobby pins with her, not only to keep her hair back and in style, but to place one of these bobby pins inside the man’s residence she is at. If this said girl finds a bobby pin inside the residence of the guy she is pursuing that is not her own bobby pin, she indicates this as the man having multiple partners, or even cheating on the individual if they are already in a relationship.
Although it sounds like a long shot, this technique has been proven to work and has even helped a few others get out of a sticky relationship they no longer should be in. this is just one example of why someone may get a tattoo of a bobby pin. It is a sort of a good luck symbol and a sort of secret warning in plain site not to be tampered with. Since this design is so simple, it can virtually be tattooed anywhere you would like. Popular places have been on the side of a finger and on the wrist.
Behind Ear
A tattoo of a bobby pin behind the ear is not only a great place to get this tattoo, but it can have its own simple meaning as well. If you have long hair, this tattoo can be especially unique in a sense that you are able to hide the tattoo all together if needed and/or wanted to. The original idea of the bobby pin was to have it be blended into the hair color, in example, a brown bobby pin would go with brunette hair. The tattoo of the bobby pin behind the ear however is basically the exact opposite of this. When the hair is down, the bobby pin is not doing its purpose because the hair is not pinned up. When the hair is pulled back and pinned up, the tattoo is visible. This could indicate that you have a bobby pin in your hair for it to be up like that, the tattoo sort of displaying this. If you are one that has an addiction to bobby pins, this idea is perfect for you.