College life

Cooped Up: 6 Amazing Fashion Books, Movies, & TV Shows for Your Time at Home

While many of us enjoy being at home, being forced to stay at home is an entirely different experience — and all this time at home can definitely get boring. So instead of my usual posts, I’ve been recommending movies, books, and TV shows that you can watch and read while spending as much time as possible inside your house.

This week, all my recommendations are fashion related — of course! And I’ve included books, movies, and TV shows in one.


If you want to get inspired by the fashion world, look no further than these fashion media recommendations.

Table of Contents

Novels with a Fashion Component

There are many novels that use fashion as a tool to tell a story. From The Dressmaker’s revenge haute couture, to The Devil Wears Prada‘s original source, to the hilarious-yet-sad Confessions of a Shopaholic, there’s a lot to explore in this area.

My first recommendation captured me through fashion and kept me with the amazing story:

1. The Time in Between, María Dueñas

Originally published in 2009, The Time in Between is Spanish author María Dueñas’ first novel.

In 2011, it was translated into English, under the title The Seamstress, and later as The Time in Between. The novel is part spy thriller, part historical novel, part romance. Oh, and it centers around clothing as a major theme.

Sira Quiroga finds herself stranded in Morocco when her lover steals her money and leaves her. Forced to create a new identity for herself, Sira transforms from a timid seamstress into a famous designer. Soon, her fame puts her in the unenviable position of spying on German officials in Franco’s Spain for the British Government.

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