Health & wellness

13 Unexpected Garlic Side Effects – You Should Be Aware Of

Garlic is one of the widely used herbs in many countries for its culinary and medicinal benefits. It also labelled as one of the world’s healthiest foods and is highly recommended by doctors and nutritionists. From aiding in digestion to preventing Cancers, Garlic can do wonders to your body. Due to its strong flavour-enhancing properties, many people often end up eating Garlic in large quantities. This can lead to many serious health complications, depending on the individual’s body type and issues. Let’s understand the many side effects of Garlic intake in detail.



Side Effects Of Eating Garlic:

If you are someone who eats large amounts of Garlic, it’s time you know about its side effects. Here check out the top 13 excess garlic side effects:

1. Bad Breath:

Eating garlic can leave a bad odour in the mouth and the smell is so unpleasant that it usually becomes quite an embarrassing situation among people. This is the most commonly experienced eating too much garlic side effects.

2. Body Odor:

Well again, garlic is known to cause a bad body odour especially when you start sweating in warm months. It has a very strong and embarrassing smell that it leaves on the body with regular consumption. It is again a much-known side effect of garlic that comes along with the benefits and needs to be tolerated to a certain extent.

3. Allergic Reactions:

Over-consumption of garlic is known to lead to rashes and allergic reactions on the skin. It might also come in the form of any other allergy. This is again one of the commonly reported side effects that a lot of people undergo and is something that you should definitely be aware of.

4. Aggravates Internal Bleeding:

Bleeding disorders can be easily aggravated and cause serious internal bleeding with an overdose of garlic. This is one of the things you should again know so as to avoid any imbalance in the garlic intake.

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