
9 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development and Growth

9 weeks pregnant means your baby is now the size of a cherry. This is probably the period where you might see the slight push in your belly and people around you start congratulating too! While all of this can be overwhelming, we think this can have a bearing on your food, exercise at this point. Also, much of the comfort comes from understanding your body.

Here is an article that will help you understand your 9th week of pregnancy better. We have covered the precautions, things to eat and some ways to keep yourself physically fit and active.


Week 9 of Pregnancy is How Many Months?

Week 9 of pregnancy means you are in the second month. The baby is now a fetus and you are also slowly progressing to the third month. This is your first trimester.

9 Weeks Pregnant Baby Size and Shape:

Your baby will now weigh less than 15 grams and is 0.9 inches long. Your baby is the size of nice cherry and is gearing up its growth faster starting from now. The heart now beats at 170 beats per minute.

See More: 9th Month Of Pregnancy

Nine Weeks Pregnant Symptoms:

Your pregnancy symptoms get stronger and severe. Here are some 9 weeks pregnant symptoms you will have to watch out for.

1. Fatigue:

You would have probably gotten used to this by now. Your body will start to yearn for some rest and you may feel like having to dragging yourself out of the bed every day. You will have to put up with this. Remember to do something that will keep you a little more energized. Indulge in things you like, for example, reading, gardening etc.

2. Frequent Urination:

Your growing baby will start putting pressure on the uterus. This will push the bladder and therefore you may have a constant need to pee.

3. Changes in Breast:

Breast tenderness happens at this point too. They are now extremely sensitive because of the increased blood flow. Wear a comfortable bra to feel relaxed and easy.

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