Health & wellness

Top 15 Upper Back Pain Relief Exercises

Back pain is a very normal and natural affair when you exert your body too much. back pain occurs when the muscles situated on the back are worked to the limit due to the strenuous jobs that a person has to carry out daily. Though back pain is a normal affair and goes after a good night’s rest or a few hour rest during the day it can turn out to be quite troublesome when you need to complete a job of work. There is no age factor when it comes to back pain though younger people have the ability to put it off longer than that of an older person. Back pain just requires a bit of rest to go away but if it persists there are a certain amount of exercises that help you fight this minor problem. Back pain exercises play a strong part in making your body more resilient to this troublesome problem.


When there is an injury to the muscles, or a muscle strain, an upper back pain is likely to occur. Posture contributes to the upper back pain. Poor posture will trigger the muscles of the upper back to overwork and to counterbalance the pull of gravity on the head, forward. This condition will have implication on the shoulders too, causing shoulder pain.

Given below are some good exercises for upper back pain that you can try at home.

1. Knee to Chest Exercise:

The knee to chest exercise is a great free hand exercise which can be done and implemented into your set of exercises every morning. This exercise has to be done precisely as directed so that the upper back muscles are relieved of any unnecessary pressure which could result in a back pain at any point in the day. To do this exercise,

  • First lie down with your face facing the ceiling.
  • Now lift up your leg as high as possible and hold the knee with both hands and stretch for the best results.

Do this simultaneously with both legs for a period of 30 seconds each and increase the time daily.

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