Health & wellness

High Protein Diet Plan – A Complete Guide

Protein is composed of amino acids, which are essential for proper growth and development of a body. The human body can manufacture certain amino acids that are needed for producing protein. But, some amino acids need to be obtained from external (vegetable or animal) protein sources. On average, the RDI or recommended daily intake of protein for men aged 19 to 70 years is 56 grams, and for women aged 19 to 70 years is 46 grams. Excess protein is changed into energy. In this article, we are discussing about the high protein diet plan.


A diet that has at least fifty % protein in it is called a high protein diet. Many people are opting for a high protein diet for losing weight. This diet along with high protein content needs to have moderate carbohydrate as well. However, you need to do regular exercise to reduce blood fats. This diet also helps to maintain lean tissue that is required for burning the fat, to be used as fuel.

How Protein Exactly Reduces Appetite:

It is still a mystery to the scientists how protein works for reducing appetite. As per the researchers, protein causes the brain cells to receive a lower level of hormones that are appetite stimulants. With fewer insulin spikes, the sugar level fluctuation is also low. So, you can feel fewer cravings. According to the American Dietetic Association, proteins function well to satisfy the hunger pangs than carbohydrates or fats.

Foods For High Protein Diet Plan Chart:

The foods that will discuss below are some of the best foods that provide your body with a sufficient amount of protein and you will be able to consume them quite easily as most of them are easily digested. Some of the foods rich in high protein are as follows. You have to add these food items in your diet menu for high proteins along with other benefits.

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