
Top 35 Beard Color Ideas & Trends for 2022

How many of you think that your hair will discolor as soon as you turn 50? Let alone the worry of getting old, the fashion these days is speaking volumes. No matter how old you are, the beard shading business is booming and men are all for it.

And guess what, it’s not just about covering those salt tips found in the pepper, but it is about coloring the whole beard with a youthful color! On the contrary, some men think coloring the beard is not easy, or that it’s just not worth it.


Of course, dying your beard is not as easy as applying mascara to lashes is for women. Worry not! Here is a short guide for you followed by a list of trendy beard colors of 2022.


How to Color Beard Naturally

Let us start with an overview of some facts. The facial hair color changes due to the change in the levels of the hormone i.e. testosterone. Not to forget, genetics plays a key role too. A lot of young men only in their 20s start observing white hair.

What can you do to color your beard naturally? Natural remedies have fewer cons than synthetic dyes. Say no to grey hair gel and anti-grey hair shampoos first.

If you’re really interested in dyeing your beard naturally and not ready to give in to the chemical dyes, you might want to try one of the following remedies:

(All of the following must be used at room temperature. Apply for an hour and then rinse with water. Do not use shampoo)

  • Infusion of black tea leaves and water
  • Sesame seeds paste
  • A mixture of henna, lemon juice, vinegar, curd and coconut oil (make the paste and leave it overnight, use it next day)


Other tips

  • Take meals that are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin B and E. For example nuts, fresh vegetables, and
  • Drink at least eight to twelve glasses of water a day. The more hydrated you are the better will be the color of your beard.
  • Alcohol, smoking and junk food items; keep their intake to a minimum level.
  • Exercise on a regular basis to flush out stress and tension

Coolest Beard Styles for Modern Men

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